Hellllo! Its beginning of week two! Been a sweet week, and i have lotsof things to write (hopefully)It seems like alot, to me at least!Okay so first story to tell, my companion and i were sitting at thesubway station, waiting for the 7 train (estamos esperando siempre)and there is a lady looking at the station map with a pretty guitar,so i go and chat with her, she has been playing for close to 20 years,and so it was a good talk and she got on the same car as us andstarted playing "have you ever seen he rain" by Credence ClearwaterRevival, which took me back :) after that she was walking aroundcollecting donations and in stead gave me a guitar pick, which i didin return still really cool! And i also gave her my Facebook sticker.Then i had a answer to my prayers (part one) a guy was trying to bashmy faith on the church, which he didnt make sense, but still my faithwas stronger than his hatred towards churches in general. But it allwas worth it with a dinner appt, we had Bandeja Paisa, arepas, aquapanela (water and brown sugar) a columbian dish (pic One) the next daywe were weekly planning and the zone leaders came in and chatted for asecond and then told us that someone supposedly saw us at 9:30 at thechurch with the lights off, and also they supposedly saw us downstairsin separate rooms away from sight and sound! And we said what on earthare you talking about?! We were in lessons every day, we dont need tobe at the church past 9:00! We are here trying to be strictly obedientwhich the blessings of which are obvious in two new investigators withbaptism dates, so they now know it wasn't us... Then we had threeappts all of which had to last 30 minuets haha besides the final onefor the evening, which we got a new referral from :) but they weresweet lessons, we moved a baptism date closer than originally planned,now is September 7, and had Peruvian food (picture 2 yes im gettingthe sause recipe for you mom) :) then the following day we had astreet sweep in which a guy started talking to my companion andcursing me out for the fact i had a bag that has a columbian flag andim not columbian, and then started cursing at others because they weretalking with us, we asked him to leave but he refused, so he stoodthere for a minuet and realized we were not leaving so he walkedaway... It has been a hard week, but yesterday Olga our investigatorcame to church! It was here first time, but she could only stay forthe first hour. It was awesome!So as you can see, i had a interesting and trying week, but im stillkicking, and i got a haircut ! I will get a good picture to show yallsoon,I love yall, i know the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored tothe earth, i know the reality of the atonement, i have used it andfelt the impact and comfort in my life, i know we have a livingprophet on the earth today, the gospel is real people, this is why imin New York, cause i came to my mission wanting to help people, gor myentire life i have found my personal spiritual gift of listening andempathizing with people, listening to there problems, getting them tosmile, helping them with their burdens, how better than share thegospel of the restoration of Christ's teachings in completeness? Iwant to be the friend that people can trust, that they can come towhen they have had a poor week, and they need a 'dani hug' cause igive the best hugs, (unfortunately im out of practice here on themission) hahah but i cant wait to hear from you all!Elder Daniel Buffington
Hair cut-before
Helllllooooo! Its been a while no?Its been a crazy awesome week filled with mini miracles :)And it really all started on Friday :) so Thursday during weeklyplanning during companion inventory we decided to try speaking spanishsolely thru Friday from the time we woke up till the night, it was somuch fun, trying to speak my mind in spanish is harder than excepted,but i am getting better which i was told by hermana casteñeda (memberwhose two sons are less active) which she makes the best drinks ever,we have awesome horchata and a smoothie haha. We also had a lessonwith Olga which she committed to coming to church, even if she needsto close her tienda for three hours. Super exciting! Then that nightwe get a call from another set of missionaries in the mission, in theadjacent zone, that they have a guy that just came into the church andtold them he wanted to be taught, so we taught him Saturday and heagreed to being baptized on my birthday! So exciting! And he is sosolid that he goes to the english ward there in the other building,and our spanish one! This is the most successful week i have seensense i have been in the area! And then Saturday night transfer calls:/ so we got our calls and the verdict is that elder trujillo and iwill be staying together! Supper exciting, this is my second companionfor more than one transfer! :) Sunday we had a child of recordbaptism, and goooooodddd food after, im telling yall, spanish peopleknow how to cook awesome stuff and A LOT of it :) kinda reminds me ofmom, they take great care of us! Then we did train hopping hoping tofind new friends and i met three Russian speakers that spoke english(the first from Russia, she is now a sophomore in college she has beenin the states for a year now, second was a family that is from alittle country near Russia, been here for seven years, and the lastone was from the Ukraine has been here for 3 months or so, she worksas a cashier, good english for how little of time she has been here. )which makes me wish i studied more Russian when i had the chance, man,i just want to learn so many languages right now, :P spanishportuguese and russian what is this haha its just a blessing, to knowlanguages cause you can always help someone, make them smile after abad day, or make a new friend :) i endorse learning new languages ,Well i believe that is all for this week, i love each and every one ofyou! Yall better take care and be safe,The only picture this week is a meal we made (cause we missionarieslearn how to cook) and for both plates its just about 5$ :)But that be all now, the hastening of the work of salvation is real!Go be a missionary, or a strangers friend this week!Elder Buffington!
Another week has passed by and its already week 6¡! Crazy stuff... In this past week i hit a milestone on my mission, unfortunately it wasn't a wednesday but thursday i hit my year mark! It was "hump day" haha so we went to this restaurant, pio pio, (wasn't impressive, just spanish food :P I've had better, much better) then right after that, we had a lesson with a recently returning less active :) went really
well, talked with her about temples, (quick background, she hadn't been to church in a few years, and she came back, has only missed one sunday, second sunday she gave a prayer, missed third, fourth received a calling!) so she has also started the temple prep classes on her own, and after a beautiful meal, we shared our message and she also agreed to going to the temple to do baptisms! Yayyy! We have been also teaching Olga in her tienda twice weekly now, teaching the lessons, this last time she couldn't make it, cause she was prepping for a
event that happened saturday, and it didnt go well sadly, she ended up losing out of money, triste. Okay and probably the most exciting thing this week for me is a 'less-active' he is only less active cause he has not been to the temple in a year, but his wife is extremely less active (cause she got offended) and his younger sister isnt a member but attends weekly, but this isnt all! Hermano Ortega was good friends with none other than the familia Martinez! How crazy is that?! I knew this guy when i went to the flushing branch, we would play soccer every thursday night! And he hasnt been to the temple in six years! Cause he just hasnt got his recommend! So we are going to try and take him this next transfer, and i better still be here! Hahah i love this area with a burning passion, New York has truly become my home, i love everything about it! Especially the people! I know this
church is true by the way it effects lifes, Matthew 7:16-17 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Im in love with the gospel, this is the real deal! Well mom is going to send questions for me to answer And i had Mori Soñando (english translation of this heavenly drink is 'I died dreaming') ill have to see if i can get the video we took and send it to yall, it was AMAZING HAHAA, I also got to go to the temple, needless to say, it was well needed and i learned alot, it was another extreme high light of the week, i didnt want to leave,
Well ill send pictures too! Love yall! Thanks for all your support, and love yall have shown me,
Elder Daniel Buffington