Hey! It's been one of those weeks that seems like it lasts forever,
but goes by super quick! It's going great here! Investigators are
great, nothing too funny to say just that I love them, it's been a
beautiful week with ggrreeaattt weather! Sounds like a fun filled
week, and yeah I agree, I think you raised me right, and let the
Taylor's know I say hi and I miss and love them!! They are the best!
So the mission is awesome! I don't want to leave my area, I believe I
will have one more transfer here but that is it, and then I will
return at the end of my mission, I defiantly don't want to leave the
city area, I hope I never go car area, there is somthing about walking
that is nice, and I really like it, but that's it I think? Had a crazy
mission story happen this week, we were doing a bus run, where we get
on the bus and talk to Random people, but this time he started the
gospel topic O.o, so I talked to him about the gospel and he told me
that my companion and I were to go wit him to talk to him and his wife
at his house! Wayyyyyyy cooool! But when we got there and taught him
and he kept wanting to rebuke us for being Mormon, and saying that for
believing that there is a prophet on the earth that we would be going
to hell, he told us that in the scriptures it said that Jesus would be
the final prophet, but he never showed us where it said that, we
showed him scripture after scripture of why we need prophets, and
asked him if him and his wife if they would read the Book of Mormon,
and he said no, but she wanted to but didn't want to say anything, he
got frustrated that he couldn't stop that fact that we knew what we
were talking about, then he prayed for me cause my ADD came up in the
conversation, he prayed that my ADD would leave, and that my neck and
back would feel better, and also my shoulder would be better, but it
wasn't feeling bad to begin with, wasn't what I expected from that
hahahaha so cool :) planted a seed!
And I hope grandma is feeling better! I keep them in my thoughts and prayers!
Awe I was hopping Ben jumped on the bandwagon and they would be
expecting, my old companion is still in the same area as me and still
looks like him O.o
I wonder where Nathan
is going haha I say state side.
So what is happening with Russia and Ukraine? And also about the Asian
plane that disappeared?
Going to get snow this week again so wooooooooo!!
But that is all as well,
I love you mom!
It's great to hear from you this week!
Hope to hear from you too!!
-From Elder Buffington from the iPad-
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